Features of "with you"
A fully customizable NFT art made by you. About 30 different parts, including clothing and furniture, can be customized as you want. You can also display your favorite NFT in the room and combine left side art with right one. Our NFT art is more than just a profile picture.

A fully customizable NFT art made by you.
You can customize all the details of the room, such as furniture, lighting, plants, clocks, and ornaments, even persons hair and clothing. There are up to 30 different types of customization in our NFT, and its generative potential is limitless. This NFT is completely up to you.

The ability to integrate our NFT with other NFTs.
You’re able to display your own NFTs within our NFT! Display your favorite NFTs and decorate your room.

Your stories that changes with the left-right combination.
Combine our left & right-faced NFTs to create a new view of yourself within your NFT. Can be with family, lover, friends and anyone those around you.
Season 0 - Completed -
Project start Concept design Functional design Utility design Team building Illustrations design
Season 1 - Completed -
Marketing kick-off Community building Website launch
Season 2 - Completed -
ERC721BO Launch With You NFT Generator Alpha version Launch Premium sales start Illustration completed Woman L
Season 3 - Completed -
Pre-sale 1st:Season1 Woman L NFT in NFT Alpha version Launch Illustration completed Man R
Season 4 - Completed -
Sales:Season1 Woman L LIFE ver.1 launch
Season 5
Sales:Season2 Man R WithYou NFT Generator Ver.1 launch NFTs in NFT Ver.1 launch Catalogue ver.1 launch
Season 6
Sales:Season3 Man L WithYou NFT Generator Ver.2 launch NFTs in NFT Ver.2 launch Art to earn start
Season 7
Sales:Season4 Woman R Gallery NFTs in NFT launch Gallery Customizable launch NFT 2 in 1 Generator launch
Company original goods of can be placed in NFT.
In addition to figurines and sundries, the various parts of the NFT can be arranged and reconfigured, including lighting, clothing, beverages, accessories, furniture, appliances, art, wallpaper, windows, and more, so that everything in daily life is the scope of collaboration.